Sunday, April 8, 2007

We're back and have more to share

What a spectacular trip! We won the Grand Championship of the Royal Heritage Festival, and have memories to last a lifetime.

More photos in random order:

Collapsing in the hotel after the overnight flight

Our guides, Jessica, Stephanie, and Carolyn

Oprah interviews Kiarra.

The Beatles + 2

Happy CHSO seniors with trophies

The British version of Mary Kate

Shankar with one of four trophies we won

Rachel, Clare, Rosie, and Hallie at Covent Garden

Eric at Covent Garden

Ms. Thomas and daughter at the Royal Academy

The Beatles—CHSO style

Simon with CHSO friends

CHSO friends in "Eye Pod"

Flora, Bergen, and Kiley at Covent Garden

CHSO friends at Covent Garden carousel

CHSO smiles at Covent Garden

Chaperones at Covent Garden

Cellists warm up at St. Sepulchre (not sure where the date stamp came from)

Rita and Tamara are all smiles at airport

Natalie and Harding at dinner

CHSO members at Westminster area

CHSO tours the Globe Theater

Ms. Thomas in the London Eye

Jessica in Covent Garden

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Date Stap is from our camera. We have been stuck on new years day 2004 for some time now. Please just disregard. Nice to see Sam's photograph shared.